I feel bad about not doing anything with this blog... I know that I've gotten a couple of pageviews, and thank you to anybody who did look at the blog (if you can really call it that). I said that I'd be working on it, but I haven't been. It's just that I'm had a lot of homework and stuff, and I've been pretty busy. Over the summer I'm going to try harder.
Well, my membership just ran out, and this is annoying. I feel like I have to appear to be super-rare to be treated with the same respect as the members. It's not fun.
But on the plus side, there are going to be llamas now! It's so amazing! I just skimmed the last few articles of the Jamaa Journal, so I'm sort of ashamed to say that I missed the hints about the llamas. I've been hoping that they'd add llamas for a long time, and I'm so glad that they actually are going to! :)
That rainbow armor is really cool as well. You can buy the whole set for 9 diamonds, and unfortunately it's members only. But they're so colorful! I love rainbows.
Pet piglets have arrived in the diamond shop, too! They're three diamonds, and they're adorable (as are all of the pets).
I haven't had a chance to go on the new adventure yet, but it looks like fun. I hope that I'll be able to go on it soon, since summer vacation is soooo cloooose! :D
I hope that I'll be able to edit more soon! Bye! -WinterRainbow